Do you need better preparation? Do you want to refresh your knowledge of specific topics? Are you curious about AI, programming, supercomputers, neural networks, or just maths or advanced maths?


Take our pills for two days full immersion or take our full immersion one week courses for C++, Python, R+Matlab+Octave, CUDA


Strong Artificial Intelligence 2 days Pills


The Pills are structured on two days 9 am to 5 pm


CUDA: Compute Unified Device Architecture

The language of parallel programming from nVidia



III CUDA on my normal computer


V Type qualifiers

VI Functions and threads

VII Parallelizing: threads, blocks, grids

VIII Calls

XI Thread manager

X Optimize parallel programming


nVidia Jetson TX1 and TK1 at work: supercomputing

Programming and building together our real supercomputer 

I The boards TX1 and TK1

II Switch on!

III Hallo World

IV Interfacing

V CUDA Parallel Programming in action


Neural Networks: SLAM

Explaining neural networks in detail and creating a SLAM architecture 

I Neural networks: the beginnings

II Models

III Building and testing

IV Practical case: SLAM

V Programming the practical case in the neural network

VI Applications


Arduino: let’s get started!

This is the basic course for people not using Arduino and without math/ai background 

I Electricity

II Electronics

III Arduino primer

IV Building circuits

V Building a basic robot

VI Interfacing

VII User controls

VIII Sensor navigation

XI Electric motors

X The H-Bridge

XI Batteries

XII Materials


Arduino: my robot!

Let’s build a basic robot, moving on wheels, and program it! Building, programming, creativity 

I Linus the Line-Bot

II Wally the Wall-Bot

III Making PCBs

IV The Bug-Bot

V Explorer-Bot

VI Roboboat

VII Lawn-Bot 400

VIII Seg-Bot

IX Battle-Bot


Arduino: AI

Advanced Arduino programming for difficult tasks and remote management

I Basics of programming

II Arduino IDE

III Building functions

IV Inputs

V Outputs

VI Interrupts

VII Managing frequencies

VIII Predefined tracks

IX Free track: autonomous navigation!



Digimatronics is the system I invented for active global recognition and safety/access control, let’s build together an AI system, I give out my algorithms during the course  

I The minimal tools: a computer, a webcam, an internet connection

II My functions

III The webcam, my eye, acquiring

IV Making memories and learning (computer vision)

V Interacting with environment changes

VI Creating alert interrupts

VII Working!

VIII Self-improving AI for my program!


Astronomy: stargaze!

This is the base course for Astronomy, for people who never looked at the sky! They will learn orienteering in the night sky, constellations, basic astrophysics geometry (no math), how to find, chase and see objects (planets, multiple stars, galaxies, nebulas). The lost poetry of nondigitalized sky! 

I Switch off the lights! Look at the sky

II Celestial objects

III Orienteering! Constellations

IV Finding objects: ephemerides and coordinates

V Visual study

VI Stars, planets, nebulae, galaxies, clusters… observing with naked eye

VII Project: new visual objects and variable stars, how to make scientific research



Here I teach math and Physics for Astronomy and theories

I Galaxies: dynamic and nuclear evolution

II HR Diagram

III Clusters. Quasars. Populations.

IV Hubble’s law

V Elementary particles

VI Missing mass problem

VII Star nature and structure

VIII Star matter

IX Hydrogen combustion

X Helium combustion

XI Extragalactic problems

XII Supernovae



How to choose a telescope, how to mount it, where go mounting it, how to make it work,

what can a computer do with an attached telescope

I Optics basics, lens and telescopes types

II Parameters for telescopes

III Environments

IV Mounting!

V Finding the Pole

VI Attaching a CCD

VII Computer guide

VIII Programming: take a picture!


Remote astronomy

How to use our telescope remotely, let’s write our python program for it! Let’s build a small cupola for it too and a rain/wind sensor. How to interact digitally with remote installations, making queries and elaborating data. We will search for small unexplored objects and variable stars and if we are lucky we will find a never seen object! 

I Pieces and tools for cupola

II Pieces and tools for sensors

III Mounting and attaching a pc

IV Installing the telescope

V My first astro python!

VI Storing data and making queries

VII Remote management made easy and safe

VIII Surveilling stars and planetoids

IX Normalizing and comparing data

X Discoveries!! New objects or unexpected variations!!


Vintage: not digital astronomical photography!

How to use not digital camers, how to take pictures in deep sky (no more electronic noise!) how to treat/develop/print films and how to get wonderful images. 

I Not digital cameras

II Reflex and optics

III Films and chemistry

IV Learning how to take a picture!

V Long exposures

VI Treating and developing our film

VII Choosing the right place

VIII Using a telescope as a guide

IX Cheese!


Physics: Time, relativity, Gravitational waves

Einstein, black holes, neutrinos, light quantums. Let’s go physics! No math required, I will give all basics necessary

I History of time

II Beginning and end of time

III Relativity

IV Quantums

V Time arrows

VI What time is it? Really?

VII Gravitational waves


Linear Algebra

The very basics of AI math, no prerequisites

I Vectors

II Linear equations

III Matrices

IV Vectorial space

V Base and dimensions

VI Linear applications

VII Matrices and linear operators

VIII Determinants

IX Autovectors and autovalue

X Canonical forms

XI Linear functions and dual space

XII Bilinear, quadratic and hermitian forms

XIII Scalar product spaces




II Products and formulas

III Geometric formulas

IV Trigonometric functions

V Complex numbers

VI Exp and log

VII Hyperbolic

VIII Solution of algebraic equations

IX Plane analitic geometry

X 3d analitic geometry

XI Derivatives

XII Defined integrals

XIII Undefined integrals

XIV Gamma function

XV Beta function

XVI Fundamental differential equations

XVII Bernoulli and Eulero numbers

XVIII Sums and series

XIX Vector formulas

XX Fourier series

XXI Bessel functions

XXII Legendre functions

XXIII Hermite polynomials

XXIV Laguerre polynomials

XXV Chebyshev polynomials

XXVI Hypergeometry

XXVII Laplace transform

XXVIII Elliptic functions

XXIX Inequalities

XXX Partial fractions

XXXI Infinite products

XXXII Probability distributions


Let’s build a time machine!

Realistic course, I will explore the state of the art theories and we will make a real project for a time machine! Based on Stephen Hawking and Paul Davies publications and updated on Einstein’s gravitational waves

I Time

II Motion

III Gravity

IV Space

V E=mc2

VI Now? Never?

VII The past

VIII Light speed

IX Black holes, wormholes and curved space

X Curved spacetime: gravitational waves in detail

XI Universes

XII Singularity

XIII Antigravity

XIV The time machine

XV Time tourism and paradoxes

XVI Causalities and copies

XVII Chronology


Pure Python

This course is for programming pythonic! Based on Guido Van Rossum publications, I will teach the necessity for elegance in creativity with Python. No prerequisites! 

I The interpreter

II Numbers, strings, lists

III Flow tools

IV Data structures

V Modules


VII Errors!

VIII Classes

IX The Standard Library

X Interaction


Math for future: Matlab/Octave

Learning Matlab and Octave

I Installing

II Command window and command line

III Workspace

IV Scripts

V Matrix or array operations

VI Plotting

VII Functions

VIII All together!

IX Libraries


XI test!



Powerful statistical data analysis language

I What I need to know for R programming

II R environment

III Variables, Functions

IV R packages and extensions

V Data, the power of R

VI Exploiting


Disaster recovery!

Hard disk failures, mainboard not booting, water on my keyboard, fire from my case. Let’s rescue our data professionally implementing Python! 

I Computer malfunctions!

II Investigations

III Unmounting

IV Hard disk failures

V Hard disk analysis

VI Hard disk rescue

VII Data rescue (Python)

VIII Mainboard failures general analysis

IX Components failure

X Worst case scenery


Linux basics

Let’s go linux!! How to change the world and how to be and stay more productive. Course for everyone, no requirements

I Think open source

II Basics

III Choosing a distro and installing

IV Configuring

V Surf! Write! Program! Print!

VI Backup and tools


Linux advanced

Linux programming, building and creating our personal distro! Let’s make an OS! 

I Pieces for our own distro!

II Understanding the kernel

III What will I need?

IV Creating

V Install and test!!

VI Improve!



Computers are getting new viruses, so we need to go deeply and to write new software for getting rid of them. We will create our Python antivirus! Win and linux/mac versions! 

I Programs

II Malicious programs

III Writing python code for scanning

IV Battle against the virus!

V Victory!

VI New menaces, malware adware etcware



How to build and deploy apps! Let’s make history. 

I What is Android

II Android apps

III Components and resources

IV Activity and intent

V View and layout

VI Widget and events

VII Animation, menu, dialog and toast

VIII Data management

IX Multithreading and services

X A safe net use

XI WebView and MapView

XII App Widget, Gesture and TextSpeech

XIII Media Management

XIV System services

XV Bluetooth

XVI Classroom project app


Programming: C++

A to Z programming in C++ 

I Structure

II Variables

III Data types

IV Operators

V Inputs and outputs

VI Controls

VII Functions

VIII Arrays

IX Character sequences

X Pointers

XI Memory

XII Data

XIII Classes

XIV Friendship and inheritance

XV Polymorhism

XVI Namespaces

XVII Types

XVIII I/O files


Introduction to programming: JAVA

The world of JAVA for beginners 

I Java: coffee!

II Html and applets

III Web pages

IV Javascript

V Coding


Let’s build a 3d printer!!

We build together a functional 3d printer 

I Tools

II Parts from scratch

III Preparing parts

IV Assembly

V Structure

VI Motors

VII The extruder

VIII The filament feeding mechanism

IX Electronics

X Software

XI Tests

XII The future is here!

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